Turning your hobby into a job is a dream of many. With Stefanie Campomilla we got to know a young woman who was able to fulfill this dream. On her journey across Asia four years ago, Stefanie discovered her passion for yoga. What started out as just a hobby has now grown into a brand (tinsel yoga). Countless online sessions, bi-weekly yoga classes in the studio and larger events in the Zurich area in collaboration with Kaisin., the Kaufleuten and Marso Living, are among her achievements as an aspiring yoga teacher. We met Stefanie personally and were able to learn a little more about her person, passion for yoga and morning routine.

tell us something about yourself

As my last name already suggests, my roots are in Italy, but I grew up in Zurich. My heart beats for travel - I love discovering new cultures and countries and being inspired by the breathtaking nature, the diverse food and the different customs and traditions.

In the summer of 2016 my trip to Asia began, which was originally planned for 3 months, but which turned into a whole year - the continent fascinated me completely. At that time I also discovered my passion for yoga and learned a lot about the history, the different techniques and the positive effects on my body and mind. After my return to Switzerland I knew that I wanted to pass on this feeling of balance, harmony and vitality to as many people as possible!

#mymarsoliving with Stefanie Campomilla How do you reconcile all this?

You work in asset management, study at Kalaidos and are a yoga teacher. How do you reconcile all this? Of course, this requires a lot of planning, structure and organization, which is why I work with to-do lists to get an overview and not forget anything. As with yoga, the motto for coping with my everyday life is: "In calmness lies strength".

Tinsel yoga is your own baby. Tell us a little more.

When I was a child I had the nickname "tinsel". When I started teaching, the idea of ​​combining tinsel with yoga came to me - tinsel yoga was born. I've been teaching for a good year now, which means that my skills are improving every day and I'm always able to meet new and exciting people. The positive interaction with my students and their improvements are my biggest drivers.

What are the next steps of tinsel yoga?

Due to the ongoing Corona crisis, I am currently teaching my yoga classes online. Unfortunately, the many events and workshops planned for 2020 have already had to be canceled or postponed indefinitely. However, I can't wait to welcome my students back to my studio in person.

Since more and more students or acquaintances have asked me about the right yoga mat, but I haven't found it yet either, I am now working closely with Marso Living to create my own yoga mat, which is perfect for practicing yoga is appropriate. We are currently working together at full speed and are testing samples from various suppliers. We are very confident that a first product will be available online in August 2020. Subscribe to the Marso Living Newsletter to stay up to date.

Tinsel Yoga x Marso Living What's your morning routine?

I often get up at 6 a.m. and practice pranayama (a breathing technique). Then I meditate on the yoga mat and finish my routine with my own flow, a mixture of strength and stretching. Only after the mental and physical training do I have breakfast and get ready for the day ahead.

Do you only do yoga on your yoga mat or do you do your exercises in bed in the morning?

I actually do some exercises in bed - in the morning I stretch to wake up and before bed I stretch, especially if I feel any tension.

What is the perfect morning yoga program?

I try to avoid the word 'perfect' because it triggers an unwanted inner pressure in me. In my opinion, it is important to consciously take time for yourself and your yoga practice every day, even if it is only 15 minutes. The sun salutation is very suitable for a short yoga session in the morning, as the whole body is strengthened and you get new energy. Give it a try and you'll know what I mean :)

Message me on Instagram or visit my webpage for more information about my next courses and upcoming projects.

Subscribe to the Marso Living newsletter for updates on the new yoga mat! Expected to be available August 2020.
