We all imagine a perfect world where laundry is washed, dried and folded. Unfortunately, that's not very realistic. Bedding and linens get dirty, and what's worse, spilling your coffee in bed. Still, there are ways to keep your linens clean and spotless while reducing washing time.

Care labels are a great place to start, but the truth is, proper linen care requires a few extra steps to increase the longevity of your linens. Nobody wants their sheets to be stiff, shapeless or scratchy because they chose the wrong products and the wrong wash cycle.

In this guide you will find answers to all bed linen and bedding care questions, from how to wash bed sheets to how best to remove even the most pesky stains. Your journey to extra-soft, wrinkle-free bedding starts here.

  • How often do I have to wash my bed linen?
  • Which detergent do I use?
  • What settings and temperatures should I use?
  • Washing sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers
  • Drying sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers
  • Washing of duvets and pillows
  • Drying of duvets and pillows
  • How can I protect my bedding and linens even better from dirt and contamination?
  • Fold and store your bedding

How often do I have to wash my bed linen?

Sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers - everything that comes into direct contact with the skin - should be washed every seven to ten days. If you don't wash as often, unwanted dirt like dead skin cells and dirt can build up, while washing too often can wear out your bedding prematurely. It's also a good idea to use a different set of clothes between washes to maintain color and elasticity and to extend the overall life of the product. And the more bedding sets you have, the more freedom you have to wash your bedding when you want, not when you have to.

Next up are duvets and pillows. You may know how to wash a duvet and pillow, but let's face it: most of us don't wash our bedding as often as we should. Pillows, duvets, and mattress pads should be washed less frequently than bed linen, but still every three to six months. Mattress pads should be dry cleaned every six months.

It's a good idea to wash basic bedding every season to have a regular cleaning schedule.

Which detergent should I use?

Detergent is key to properly washing linens and bedding. Here you should play it safe. It is enough to use less detergent than the manufacturer recommends, as too much detergent can cause the bed linen to become stiff and eventually smell of mold. A gentle liquid detergent is best for your linens. Never bleach.

To keep your bedding top quality, avoid harsh liquid and powder detergents, fabric softeners, dryer sheets and bleach as these attack and weaken the natural fibres. Also, protect your linens from personal care products and household cleaners that contain alpha hydroxy acids or benzoyl peroxide to prevent discoloration. Acne cream might help your complexion, but it can really damage your linen pillowcase.

If you choose to use bleach, make sure it's non-chlorine. That's a little less aggressive. To preserve the integrity of the fabric, spot cleaning the stains is better than bleaching them entirely. Vinegar and baking soda can be used to whiten linens without damaging them.

What settings and temperatures should I use?

Check the label, but as a general rule, it is best to wash linens in cold water. Some fabrics wash well with warm water, while others, such as B. mattress pads, can only be dry cleaned. Avoid hot water at all costs as it can attack the fibers over time and cause them to shrink. Always wash bedding on a gentle cycle.

Washing of fitted sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers

The first question you might ask is: can bedding be washed with the laundry? While this is technically possible, it is not recommended. Colored clothing can bleed onto the sheets, and zippers, hooks, and buttons can cause pilling and abrasion.

Wash linens together with other linens and keep similar colors and fabrics together. After you have gathered your laundry and checked the labels, the following steps will show you how to wash your fitted sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers:

  1. Fill the washing machine with water. While cool water is always recommended, especially with satin sheets, you can use warm water for linen sheets if you prefer.
  2. Add mild liquid detergent in less amount than the manufacturer recommends.
  3. Allow the soap to dissolve before putting the linens in the washing machine.
  4. Add non-chlorine bleach when using. We recommend OxiClean to remove stains. You can also add vinegar and baking soda in this step to whiten your linens.
  5. Wash on gentle cycle.

For even more details, see our linen and satin care guides.

Drying of fitted sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers

The key to wrinkle-free drying is to only fill the dryer halfway. This prevents the bed linen from twisting and the fabric from bunching up. Set the tumble dryer on low heat, as overheating can fade colors and cause fibers to become brittle. Use wool dryer balls to reduce static and soften your linens.

This tip we learned from our factory changed everything for us: remove your linens from the dryer a few minutes before the end of the cycle, when they are still slightly damp. This allows you to smooth out the creases with your hands before they form.

Washing of duvets and pillows

Duvets and pillows raise a whole host of new questions: is it even possible to wash pillows in the washing machine? Will my down comforter fit in my tumbler? As with washing linens, you should check the label before washing. All Marso Living down and synthetic alternatives are machine washable.

The size of the washing machine must be considered. Many washing machines are designed for larger bedding items, such as B. a 220x240cm down duvet, not suitable. If possible, you should use a large washing machine. If your machine is the right size, do the following:

  1. Insert your duvet or pillow into the machine one at a time.
  2. Add a third of the detergent you would normally use for a load of this size (the more detergent, the harder it is to wash the load). Preferably use a detergent specifically designed for down or a mild, enzyme-free heavy-duty detergent.
  3. Wash your bedding at a maximum of 100 degrees (for down) and 60 degrees (for synthetics) and on a gentle cycle.
  4. Run the rinse cycle twice to ensure all detergent has been removed.

Drying of duvets and pillows

Drying duvets and pillows is a bit more difficult than drying sheets. They take a long time to dry and must be checked and fluffed up regularly. Dry your down and synthetic bedding in a tumble dryer on the lowest setting and add dryer balls to fluff and separate the fill so it doesn't clump.

Also, check the temperature of your bedding every 30 minutes and remove it from the dryer to break up any clumps and let it cool if it feels too hot. It can take anywhere from five to six hours for a down or synthetic duvet to dry properly, but you need to make sure the filling is completely dry. Putting the linens back on while they are still damp can cause mold to form.

How can you tell if your bedding is dry? Hold them up to the light. If you see lumps of filling, it's not done yet. You can hang it outside on a clothesline (weather permitting) or lay it flat in a well-ventilated area to complete the drying process.

How can I protect my bedding and linens even better from dirt and contamination?

  • Consider making your bedroom a pet-free zone. Pets shed fur and skin cells that provide food for dust mites.
  • Keep your room cool and dry. Try using a dehumidifier if you live in a particularly humid climate, or invest in an air conditioner in a warm climate.
  • If you shower in the evening, you will have to wash your bed less often, thereby extending the life of your bed linen.
  • Never put the following items on your bed: luggage, handbags, smartphones, shoes or clothing that has not yet been washed. All of these items can damage your linens or transfer unwanted oils and germs to the bed.
  • Make your bed every morning. This not only improves your state of mind, but also ensures that dust mites are kept away and your bed is in good condition. Pillows in particular should be padded daily to keep them in shape.

Folding and storing bedding

Knowing how to wash linens properly is just one step to protecting the longevity of your linens. Storage is crucial. You should have several sets of sheets per bed for convenience or in case of accidents. Choose a closet, dresser, or chest that is dry and cool to store your extra linens. Make sure it's out of direct sunlight (sunlight can cause permanent yellowing) and is well ventilated. Natural fibers need air to breathe! Never store your bedding in plastic containers. These trap moisture and lead to mold growth. Also avoid cardboard, which can transfer acids to the fabric.

Pro tip: If you have multiple beds in your apartment (say, your child has a single bed, the guest room has a double bed, and the master bedroom has a king bed), set up separate shelves in the linen closet for each bedding size. So finding the right lingerie is child's play.

Make sure the bedding is completely dry before folding it. A cotton-lined laundry bag is ideal for extra duvets and sheets. We like to spritz a laundry spray or pop in a sachet of lavender to keep things smelling fresh.

If you want your bedding to last, buy bedding that is made to last.

There comes a time when every bed linen needs to be replaced. This is where Marso Living comes in. The best way to ensure your bedding lasts is to buy quality bedding from the start. Marso Living bedding - whether you're looking for a cozy down comforter or our luxurious linen bedding - is built to last as long as it is cared for properly.
